Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Snorkeling - Hanauma Bay.

Snorkeling was one of the things we did when we were in Hawaii. It was kind of a cloudy day the day we went, but we got onto a bus and drove out to Hanauma Bay anyways. It took quite awhile to get there, but on the drive there we got to see a lot of huge houses and get closer to diamond head. When we finally got to Hanauma Bay it was on the top of a hill and to get to where all the snorkeling was we had to walk down the hill which took forever! (Yes there was a lot of walking on this trip!) When we finally got to the bottom of the hill we had to go through this tutorial of how to snorkel. It was about a twenty minute video, and the chairs were metal and really hard on the bum! The video outlined mostly the dangers of snorkeling but also some of the ups, and also the design of Hanauma Bay. The video freaked us all out, because it pretty much said if you go out too far your pretty much dead. Oh and also if you get caught in current and hit coral you could get knocked out and possibly drown. Yep it was a real persuasive video. But i put my big girl panties on and decided to just say to hell with it and go anyways! So we went down to the beach and had to make sure all of our gear fit just right and were ready to go. We went out in twos, and it was amazing! There was rumors told to me that you could touch the fish but i didn't believe that because it didn't seem realistic that fish would come near you, but they did. There was so many fish of different colors and types, and they were so close you could nearly grab one. They rubbed against you sometimes which would freak me out. My best friend Jordyn was absolutely terrified of snorkeling and she went in for like ten minutes and came right back out and refused to go back in again, what a shame. Everything was just so colorful and beautiful! Whenever i swam over a reef though, i got really nervous because apparently that's where all the eels and stuff like that lives, and I DID NOT want to see one of those ugly little things. It was pretty wavy that day so it was hard to swim, and it was kind of scary because you didn't know what part of the water you were in or where your friends all went, but it was still beautiful and an amazing experience. When we finished snorkeling you felt super stiff from all the salt water and really tired from swimming against the current. It was a great experience and I would seriously recommend any hot trip you go on, to go snorkeling because it's something you will never forget.

Outside Article:

Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay

Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay is truly experiencing paradise. The crystal blue ocean crater is full of bright and diverse species of fish, rays and turtles. Even the most inexperienced snorkeler can have a great time swimming with the Hawaiian wildlife in Hanauma Bay.

Friendly Sea Creatures

Unlike other top snorkeling spots, the sea life in Hanauma Bay is not afraid of humans. This makes for some exciting snorkeling in the area. You can get up close to the turtles, tropical fish, eels and other sea creatures. There are more than 450 colorful tropical fish in the area, as well as octopus, crabs and eels.

By purchasing an underwater camera, you can take great pictures of

the colorful fish and other sea creatures. It will make your trip to Hanauma Bay all the more memorable.

Snorkeling in the Bay

Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay is very simple. There is rental equipme

nt available on the beach if you don’t have your own. If you are a first time snorkeler, you will receive some brief instructions on maneuvering around, and a reminder to treat the wildlife with respect.

There are basic safety precautions to take when snorkeling in the bay. Visitors are asked not to touch the wildlife, or the coral. If you see a mother creature with her babies, swim away from the area very carefully so as not to disturb them. Also, when you are in the presence of the wildlife, make sure to

use smooth and calm movements. Jerking, quick moments can frighten the creatures.

Snorkeling Basics

If you can swim, then you can snorkel. Snorkeling requires no special training. You won’t need to take snorkeling classes before arriving at Hanauma Bay. The instruction you receive just before entering the water will be enough. This training will cover how to use the equipment, basic snorkeling safety and information on what to look for in the bay. Make sure to snorkel with a buddy at all times, for safety’s sake.

Snorkeling Equipment

When you rent snorkeling gear, there are only two basic pieces of equipment that you’ll need. A snorkeling mask allows you to clearly view the sights under the water. When you choose your mask, make sure that it fits well and is comfortable. To try on the mask, push the mask against your face without using the strap. If it stays on your face, unsupported, than it is making a good seal and will be perfect for snorkeling.

The jury is out on whether or not fins are necessary for snorkeling. The snorkeling in Hanauma Bay is shallow and easily accessible without fins. Fins will propel you through the water faster, but their movement can scare off fish and other creatures.

Wildlife Safety

Before entering the park, you will be asked to watch a safety video. This video will let you know the guidelines for using the bay, and also instructions for interacting with the sea creatures.

Basically, you are not to touch the sea life in bay. Even the coral, which appear as rock beds, should not be touched. Coral is very sharp and scrapes and abrasions caused by the coral can be painful. Also, touching the coral can cause a spread of harmful bacteria that can kill it.

Feeding, touching or disturbing the sea creatures you see while snorkeling can cause them distress. Remember, the animals in the bay are there to see and not touch.


  1. big girl panties eh? in mexico we saw fish too, just when we were out swimming and one time i had my big ol goggles on and out of no where came a clound of fish and they brushed against me and i screamed.. i didnt enjoy that feeling.

  2. I HATE SNORKELING! I was terrified I was going to drown and when I was going in a lifeguard came out to me and asked if I needed help! apparently I looked like I was in trouble, at least he was a hot lifeguard ;)

  3. my sister and i went to Hanauma Bay. snorkled overtop of the shallow coral, saw and eel and a freaked, quincy was behind me and im pretty sure i kicked her repeatedly until she turned around.
