Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Boat Ride!

Today, I am going to talk about the night we went on a sunset boat ride. It was around 6pm, and we had arrangements to go on this little sunset ride on this little boat. The water was really calm and nice so everything looked like it was going to be awesome! It took us like 30 minutes to get the boat actually going out into the ocean, but when we got on, most of the other people who came on were drunk. I guess it was a cruise for just anyone, even though i thought it was just going to be our team. But there was a lot of other couples and groups of people that came on too. The one guy on the boat named Eric, was the guy who explained how things worked and what we would be doing! Apparently he was "hot" according to Breanne, but she thought everyone was hot on this trip so that's just Breanne. There was two other guys on the boats, and the one guy was the bartender. Yes, there was drinks on the boats, but no food:( Everyone on the boat (if they weren't drunk already) were pretty much smashed so it was kind of iffy, because you weren't sure if we hit waves if they would throw up on you or not. The boat was pretty big for space though, but it was still small and low, so whenever we hit a wave you'd get soaked. We took lots of pictures on the boat and the water was nice so it was a smooth ride. But after the beautiful sunset, it got really dark and wavy, and the boat started to rock a lot and we all started to freak, well, mostly me. It would be fine if we were in a lake and the boat tipped or i fell in, but not in an ocean, where i could get eaten by a shark! Oh! by the way, we saw a fin come out of the water when it got darker and stormy too, but we weren't sure if it was a dolphin or a shark..
So after i felt like i was going to throw up or cry, my mother goose had to settle me down, and then we headed back in to the beach because it was getting pretty bad. We were really far away though so it took a good 45 minutes to get back in! On the cruise my mom was talking to this young guy maybe about 20-30 years old. (Not good looking at all) But he was with all these girls and he was talking about how Dog The Bounty Hunter, and Beth, are his Aunt and Uncle. He started talking about them and how they give him money and bailed him out of jail once. He also said Beth's boobs were real?! Weird. Anyways, he was saying how he'd be on the next season of the show and we should watch it to see him. We all thought he was for real and got pictures taken with him and everything. Later we heard him giggling and telling all these girls that he just tricked a whole bunch of teenagers and their parents into believing that he was Dog's nephew! What a jerk! So we all ganged up on him saying he was a liar and then he just swore at us and started calling us little _____. Yaaaa, fill in the blank. But overall i guess the boat ride wasn't bad, but I don't really like being that far from the beach with no source of protection if it was to storm.

Outside Article:

What should you do if you are caught in a severe storm when boating with passengers?

Stay calm. The calmness of the skipper will help everyone.
Have everyone put on their life jackets.
Close all doors and openings on the boat. This will help reduce the amount of water that could be taken on board.
Have everyone dress as warmly as possible. It is harder to work when wet and cold.
If you are in fear of your life or loosing the boat send out a mayday on the radio.
Remember if the weather is too rough you may be safer not heading for shore. Strong winds and waves could push you into rocks.
If it looks as if the boat will sink have everyone on deck. You wouldn't want someone to be trapped below decks when the boat sinks.
*Do not stay aboard. Saving a person who stays aboard may be impossible*

Awesome, I'd be the one still aboard, don't worry, i can swim.


  1. I would of pushed that guy off the boat! haha i should of drove the boat i have my boaters license!

  2. who the hell is dog the bounty hunter ?

  3. Ellyn: Ya, you're dog's nephew? Well I'm Britney ___ Spears ! Hahahaha, that was so funny.

  4. As if you said that about me! Hahaha
